Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Grading is Almost Done!

Grading is almost complete (or at least I think it is... hmmm). Perhaps in the next few days we may see a hole! I am getting pretty excited, seeing the earth move makes the process so much more real! Stop and see us!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Move That Dirt!

The Dirt Has Moved! I came home from Harrisburg and there it was, all in a pile! Looks like the excavator has been hard at work removing the top layers of top soil and getting ready to dig the hole for the basement. Here is to hoping for some nice weather so that we can get moving!

Here is a picture of Hoyt sitting in what he thinks will be his room!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

We CLOSED Today!

We made it! Mike and I got word on Monday (May 12th) that we were scheduled to close today (May 14th) and we did! Actually as it turns out, our attorney also happens to be the solicitor for my company’s sister agency. We had a board meeting today, so our attorney decided that we could close right at my office. Mike came over after work and we signed everything! Everything was very simple and very convenient! It feels great to have that completed!
After talking to Uncle Chuck yesterday, the excavator is ready. He had a few little things to finish up at his current worksite and then he would be out to dig our hole! Weather pending we could see dirt moving as early as tomorrow, however, it is suppose to rain so I am anticipating that they will start early next week. So if anybody drives by, please stop and take some pictures for me, I am scheduled to be in Harrisburg most of next week and I want to make sure I don’t miss anything!

Hopefully the next time I post, I will have pictures to go along!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

With a Little Bit of Luck...

I think we are finally ready to start! It has been a long hall trying to get all of the paper work lined up, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. We started this process back in March and I believe, with a little bit of luck, that we should be closing on Friday (May 9th). Let’s put it this way… Mike and I are pushing for Friday so that the excavator can dive in next week! We are definitely ready to roll.
The upside to the wait, Mike and I have been able to help get the new playground installed at the Union Township Park. We were awarded a grant last fall and with that money the community was able to purchase a beautiful new playground system. I cannot even tell you how large this thing is! It is called Slidetopia and consists of 7 different sliding boards! Ahh to be a 5 year old again would be great! Perhaps tonight I will post pictures of the new playground, at least it is construction!

Be looking for pictures next week of the hopeful hole in the ground!