Friday, September 19, 2008

Windows, Check! Electrical & Plumbing, Check, Check!

I am chalking this up as the toughest week to date... Construction has not been bad, but Mike has been away. As I am sure most of you are aware, we had one heck of a wind storm Sunday Night/Monday Morning, courtesy of Hurricane Ike (all I have to say is that the people that chose to stay behind in Texas are nuts, the wind here was bad and it was 4x worse there!). At any rate... Monday morning at about 1:00AM, Mike’s cell phone goes off... it was work and he was to report for Hazard duty! Monday he worked local, but on Tuesday he joined the crew and left for Ohio to help restore power there. It is now 5:00PM on Friday and Mike is still in Ohio! So needless to say, very little got done on the house this week. My dad was kind enough to finish the electrical and cable wiring (with the help of his MVA (Most Valuable Assistant) ME! Ok maybe I was more in the way than anything else, but at least he had company. He also finished the drain plumbing. The rest of our windows were delivered yesterday afternoon and Chuck and crew were there to put them in this morning. WOW! Did the circle top windows ever change the look of the house! I was totally excited when I came home! I am hoping Mike will be back Saturday night or early on Sunday. I am leaving for a conference in Buffalo on Sunday afternoon and will not be back until late Tuesday night.... So until then... Have a great weekend everyone!

Front view with circle top windows!

The window from inside my office looking out!

Back of the house with circle tops!

Scott thinks he is moving in! HAHA! I would probably enjoy it if they did, I can't stand quiet!

Friday, September 5, 2008

What Is It, What The Heck Is It?

So, I got home from work yesterday and Mike greets me with, “Babe, I don’t think you are going to like the chimney.” So what do I do, I jump in the car and drive straight up to see what in the heck he is talking about! Much to my surprise it looked like someone had built an “Outhouse” for lack of a better term, on the back side of our house (see attached picture). It was awful! So I panicked all night about it, then the next morning Mike went up to the house and told Chuck that I really didn’t like the outhouse look and asked if anything else could be done. Chuck thought this was pretty darn funny and said that it is what it is. So I stopped out this morning on my way to work to drop off donuts and there is Chuck, up on the roof fixing it up! It looks 100X better now. This week Mike was off work and between him, his dad and my brother, they were able to get just about all of the electrical wiring completed. Penelec came and hooked up our power, so we now have electricity to the house too! My dad and grandpa did all of the back filling this week so no more holes to fall into! Next week is plumbing for Mike and crew and Chuck and gang will be putting in windows! I am going to Lowe’s on Sunday to finalize my kitchen plans and get that ready to order! It is really starting to feel like home.
Also in pictures below I started to add some of the interior, you will have to use your imagination on the rooms! Please stop out and see us, I actually have something to present now!

This is the "Bad" chimney that I think resembles an outhouse.

This is the new and improved Chimney that looks much much much better!

This is a view of the back of the house.

This is the front view, YAH for windows next week!

This is looking into the kitchen/breakfast nook area.

This is the master bedroom! Lots of Windows!

This is from the far end of the family room looking toward my office.

This is the family room looking toward the fireplace.