Sunday, October 5, 2008

We Are Blessed

Mike and I feel overwhelmingly blessed. We have so many wonderful family members and friends that we can truly count on. Last week all of the siding was delivered and Mike decided to install as much as he could this weekend. So on Friday I started the phone tree... We ended up with so much help, it was all greatly appreciated. Thank you very, very much, Dad, Scott, Dave, Pop, Uncle Bob, Austin, Jordan, Mikey Barr, Joseph, Tom, and Jeff. Mike and I are very grateful for all of your help, we could not have done it without you. I also feel it is important to thank our cooks too! Nana and Chris, lunch and dinner were wonderful, it was an excellent first meal in our new house! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, to everyone, Mike and I love you all very much! Here’s to a successful siding party!

The Dynamic Duo, Mike and Mike!

I am not sure who is in charge of this group, Joe or Pop?

Uncle Bob, measuring Twice and cutting Once!

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