Thursday, August 28, 2008

Almost Under Roof!

We are almost completely under roof! The roofing crew was on site yesterday and they got about two thirds of the roof completed! I was also pleasantly surprised that Chuck added what I call the “little peaky things” to the corners of the gable ends. This was a debate last week if we were still getting those or not and as it turns out we did! The guys also decided to pull a fast one on me and tell me that the headers were built too short and that I would not be getting my circle top windows after all. I was about in tears last night, the circle tops were one of my favorite parts of the house. They finally gave in and told me they were pulling my leg! Don’t they know they can’t do those things to me; I am already under enough stress, HAHA!

This is the backside of the house with shingles, you can all see that the electic meter box was installed and the chimey was framed for the fireplace.

This is my dad finishing the installation of the heating service pipes. GO GREEN!
This is the front of the house, they framed in the front porch header and added the "peaky things." It is really coming together.

This is a side view, I just thought it looked cool!

Monday, August 25, 2008

I Need To Go Away More Often!

I have come to the conclusion that I need to go away more often! HAHA! It seemed like a lot got done while I was in Atlanta (which by the way went very well, I absolutely fell in love with the city and had an excellent time!). While I was gone Chuck and the gang finished the roof and got it ready for shingles, Mike framed the interior walls, so now I can see what all my rooms are going to look like. Mike, my dad, his dad and Scott started the heating system which by the way reminds me of that movie, Tremors! It scares me! So now I have ditches of pipe all threw the yard. Chuck and gang also got the electric service started and the meter box installed. I got a fun surprise tonight too... they put on all of the little decorative corner roof pitches! I wasn’t sure if that got cut and I was really hoping that it didn’t, so that was a very pleasant surprise tonight! It is finally starting to look like a house, I can hardly believe it! Tomorrow the roof crew will be on site singling! So by weeks end I assume we will be completely under roof and not have to worry about rain!
Come out and see us when you get a chance, things are starting to get really exciting!

This is what the front of the house is starting to look like! It actually looks like a house now!

This is the start of the interior framing! Mike told me I am a contractors worse nightmare!

I got a huge kick out of this, if you look really closely, Chuck wrote me a Welcome Home note on the roof with orange spray paint! It made my day!
This is what the back of the house is starting to look like!
This is the beginning of our Tremors Hole! We had to fill it in with dirt (dirt with no rocks mind you) so there was a lot of hand shoveling going on tonight!

Here is Scott and Mike making the pipe loops for the Geothermal Heating.

This is the last set of pipe being lowered into one of four ditches!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

We Are Moving Right Along!

WOW! We are moving right along, I can hardly believe how much the look of the house has changed this week! We got the garage walls put up, the roof trusses on and the back porch framed! It really is starting to look like a house. If you have not stopped out to see it in person yet I really encourage you to do so... the pictures are not doing it justice!
I am uploading pictures tonight of the roof, this weekend Mike and Scott I believe are doing the interior framing so we will know what our rooms will somewhat look like. I will try my best to post something on Sunday or Monday but I cannot make any promises. I will be leaving for Atlanta on Tuesday for work and will not get home until late Friday night/early Saturday morning, then Gabby's bridal shower is on Saturday, the Bachelorette Party is Saturday night.... so if I do not post (Aunt Amy this is for you...) I will post next Sunday when I get home from Atlanta! All Pictures this time are courtesy of my Grandma Hendricks, she was nice enough to go up today and take them while I was at work! Love yah Gram!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Let There Be Walls!!!

I left the house last night and we still had only the sub floor... I go home tonight after work and all of the exterior walls are up! Those guys must have busted their butts today... When I left for work it was cold and rainy, then about mid afternoon it started to rain again and about 3:30 a terrible storm went through, I didn’t even think they would work today... But long and behold, the rain didn’t stop them and they got all of the outside walls up and in place (with the exception of the garage walls, which I assume will be put up tomorrow). Chuck also called Mike today and told him that the roof trusses will be delivered Saturday morning! So next week we should have a roof. Mike is pretty sure he will be taking next Friday off work and feels that with a little help he should be able to get all of the interior framing completed! It was so exciting seeing all the work they got done today!

The front view of the house... Mike told me I have way too many windows!

Here is Gabby, her and I were deciding where rooms were going to go!

Here is the view of the back of the house... Lots more windows!

More Framing from the inside view!

Mike and my brother drilled the hole for the water line into the house, Gabby and I were in the basement when they broke though and I snapped a picture of Mike looking into the basement!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Deer Update...

Well, it is not good news... She passed away at some point during the night. I feel pretty bad, but we did do everything possible for her and she didn't die, upside-down in that ditch.
Mike talked to Chuck this morning as well (he went up early this morning to check on the deer) and they are working on the back portch today. Keep checking back for updates, I am sure a lot is going to happen this week!

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Normally I would say HOLY COW!!! But in this case it is HOLY DEER! Mike, Scott and my Dad were getting ready to run the pipe for the electric service and Mike stopped dead in his tracks to what looked like legs. Sure enough, some point between late Friday and today a deer fell in the service line ditch, upside-down. They lifted her out by her legs, she was kicking but extremely tired. Scott called the house and Gabby, mom and I ran up with buckets and coolers full of water. We got her to drink and cleaned all the mud off of her. We covered her with cold towels and she is now resting.... I will update on her condition after dinner!

Sorry for the Delay!

I know, I know... It has been well over a week since I have made an update (thanks for giving me heck Aunt Amy!!!) In all fairness though... this was the week of the great Clearfield County Fair! I spent every evening down there so this week was pretty busy! I barely got to see Mike! But from what I can tell Chuck and crew have been busy themselves! This week they got the floor trusses on, the sub floor put down and the first set of stairs to the basement completed! Thursday morning I stopped by to check things out and to get Chuck to sign some papers and locked my keys in the car... progress was halted for about 30 minutes while Chuck ran me to get another car! I am just glad it was him on site that day and not someone I didn’t know!
This week’s agenda looks like we are going to start to see an actual house. I am told that the second set of basement steps should be completed and our exterior walls are being delivered on Thursday. Mike, Scott and my Dad are digging the ditches for the water line, electric service and phone and cable lines. By the end of this week, I believe we will have electric service to the house!

The floor trusses being installed!
The first level of the house with sub floor.
The basement!

The first set of basement stairs coming from the house/garage entrance.

My brother dreaming BIG!